
Self-concept and Self-awareness

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Aristotle is claimed to have said that  “Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom”. Similarly, the Dalai Lama suggests that having a greater self-awareness of understanding means having a better grasp of reality. We all think we know ourselves. But in reality, we are different in front of people. We wear a mask depending on […]


Understanding Resilience

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According to the Harvard Business Review (2002) “…more than education, experience, or training, an individual’s level of resilience will determine who succeeds & who fails.” And yet a report by the Mental Health Foundation suggests that, in comparison with earlier generations, children today are less able to cope with stress and adversity partly because they […]


Mindfulness, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Character Strengths

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We appreciate that the concept of mindfulness is not without its critics, however, other terms could be used such a ‘seeking stillness’, ‘concentrating on our senses’, ‘concentrating on sights and sounds around us’. Mindfulness is a process of open, active, non-judgmental awareness of ones surroundings, paying attention in the present moment with openness and curiosity. […]