
No More Back to School

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“You don’t have to know what comes next. You don’t have to have everything figured out right this second. You don’t need to know your entire story. You are a living, changing, growing soul riding through your unique and beautiful journey of life. And that’s exactly what it is – a journey – and it […]


Towards a Bioecological Approach to Education in Hong Kong

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Child and adolescent development, particularly social and emotional development, does not exist in a vacuum but is rooted within the social, economic, cultural and political framework and across the passage of time. Developmental psychologist, Urie Bronfenbrenner, argued that established models of human development, overlooked the vital influence of biological factors on psychological growth. He proposed […]


Understanding Resilience

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According to the Harvard Business Review (2002) “…more than education, experience, or training, an individual’s level of resilience will determine who succeeds & who fails.” And yet a report by the Mental Health Foundation suggests that, in comparison with earlier generations, children today are less able to cope with stress and adversity partly because they […]


Mindfulness, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Character Strengths

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We appreciate that the concept of mindfulness is not without its critics, however, other terms could be used such a ‘seeking stillness’, ‘concentrating on our senses’, ‘concentrating on sights and sounds around us’. Mindfulness is a process of open, active, non-judgmental awareness of ones surroundings, paying attention in the present moment with openness and curiosity. […]


Understanding Strengths

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What are Strengths? Strengths can be defined as “a pre-existing capacity for a particular way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is authentic and energizing to the user, and enables optimal functioning, development and performance” (Linley, 2008, p.9). According to this definition, strengths are way of thinking, feeling and behaving that come naturally and easily […]


Friendships, Social Development and Outdoor Adventure Education

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I have found that in this environment, people are more willing to listen with the intent of understanding – female participant Existing research has demonstrated that participating in OAE has a noteworthy effect on the learners’ reported social skills such as group cooperation, prosocial behaviour and communication competencies (e.g., Furman & Sibthorp, 2013; Richmond, Sibthorp, […]


Emotional Literacy

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Understanding Emotional Literacy: Emotional literacy (EL) is used to explain the ability to understand and express feelings, that is being able to identify, appreciate, manage and appropriately express emotions and to distinguish, comprehend and appropriately respond to the expressed emotions of others. EL is useful in developing good communication skills and enhancing our relationships with […]